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Professore Ordinario





Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis has obtained his `Laurea' in Mathematics at the Univeristy of Padua (Italy) and has obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of
Maryland, College park, USA. From 1984 to 1992 he has been
`Researcher in Mathematical Analysis' at the `Facolta` di Scienze MM. FF. NN.'
of the University of Padova. From 1992 to 1994 he has been Associate
Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Faculty of Engineering of the
University of Padova. From 1994 to 1997, he has been `Professore Straordinario'
in Mathematical Analysis at the `Facolta` di Scienze MM. FF. NN.' of
the University of Padova. Since 1997 he has been `Professore Ordinario'
at the `Facolta` di Scienze MM. FF. NN.' of the University of Padova.
Lanza has won several scholarships to study abroad and has participated to
several national and international Conferences.
He has taught classes of Mathematical Analysis at various levels, has spent research or study stages and has delivered lectures and seminars in Academic institution of a few countries in the world among which Byelorussia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Japan, Israel, Kazakhstan, Portugal, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, USA.

Scientific Interests: From 1981 to 1982 has written his Thesis of Laurea
in nonlinear elasticity under the guidance of Prof. Tullio Valent. From
1983 to 1984 has worked under the guidance of Prof. Giuliano Bratti on
problems of partial differential equations with constant coefficients. In
the years 1985--1987 has worked on problems of nonlinear analysis in the
theory of rods and of shells, and in particular on fluid-solid
interaction problems, under the guidance of his Ph.D. Thesis advisor
Prof. Stuart S. Antman of the University of Maryland, College park, USA. In
the following years he has worked on problems of linear and nonlinear analysis
relative to differential and integral equations, on composition operators, on spectral theory for differential operators, on complex variable, on potential theory, and on harmonic analysis.

Since 1995, he has been thesis advisor for twelve `Laurea' dissertations and for eight Ph.D dissertations, and has been advisor of five joint supervision PhD graduate students.

He has authored or co-authored about a hundred scientific publications including a monograph by Springer and two University textbooks.


Office hours

  • at Ufficio 535 o su aula indicata
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A list of publications is available on the website*

of Zentralblatt MATH that is published by Springer Science+Business Media

and on the web-site

of the American Mathematical Society, which can be accessed at the University of Padova